Letters of recommendation

What makes a compelling letter of recommendation? Learn more about the differences between high school counselors secondary school reports and letters of recommendations from teachers. Here is some advice from various colleges:

The advice may be specific to those colleges, but much of the information is generalizable to selective colleges with holistic admission process.
Educator Recommendations: Insight from College Admissions Officers

Vanderbilt offers sage advice from teachers and counselors

 For Teachers

For the USA

College Admission Teacher Recommendations Writing Compelling Letters

Elements of a strong recommendation

For the UK

For Counselors: Secondary School Report–the counselors recommendation

  • If you doubted the value of your report, you need not worry–they are read, often twice. Collegeboard offers great insight. They even have an outline. (current version here)
  • Ethan Sawyer, the CollegeEssay Guy, also created a fantastic resource for school counselors–it includes samples.

Compelling Counselor Letters: Recommendation Basics During the Pandemic and Beyond

Advice you should share with your students

  • Collegeboard has a good article to share with your your students on getting powerful letters of recommendation.
  • Ethan Sawyer offers up this great guide to asking for a letter of recommendation

Other great sources: