
Colleges biggest complaint is trying to get a quick and accurate understanding of a school. The three key tools are

  1. School profiles
  2. Transcripts
    1. What should students be taking during high school?
  3. School Websites

School Profiles


There are a lot of bad transcripts out there. Keys froma  college perspectve:

  1. Have your school name on it
  2. Keep course names clear and simple
  3. Grades and GPA shoudl be clearly stated

Ask a couple of colleges for high schools that have good transcripts and ask them to send it to you.

This article highlights how the transcript and school profile works together in the admission process.

School websites

Increasing number of colleges are relying on HS websites to find out about your school and/or arrange visits. Many students and parents will also use your website to gather information about colleges. Here are some samples from around the world: